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International Symposium on Environmental Education 2002
Supports for School EE


2 December, 2002 at Sendai Excel Hotel Tokyu

Afternoon, Registration & Get together

3 December, 2002 at Sendai International Center (Opening 9:00)
(with English/Japanese Simultaneous Interpretation)


Opening address
Chairpersons: Y. Sasaki & T. Muramatsu

President of MUE
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
Miyagi Pref. Board of Education
Sendai City Board of Education

Aims of the Symposium Director of EEC

- Recess -

Special lectures

Jack T. Moyer (Japan)"Importance of Natural Fields in Environmental Education(Temp.)"
Paul H. Williams (U.S.A.) "Environmental Education : Accessible to All"
Lunch Break

Presenting Papers and Discussion
-Challenges from Supporters' Viewpoints(Part I)-
Chairpersons: N. Hagiwara & T. Watanabe

Vicki Keliher (Australia)
Alisara Chuchat (Thailand)
Heiko Crost (Germany)
- Recess -
T. Higuchi (Japan)
C. Saito (Japan)

Welcome Reception(at Sendai Excel Hotel Tokyu)


4 December 2002 at Izumity21 (Opening 9:00)


-Challenges from Supporters' Viewpoint(Part II)-
Chairperson: M. Yasue
Wang Zongmin (China) "Environmental Education in Elementary and Junior High Schools in China"
Jennie Lane (U.S.A.)"Environmental EducationWisconsin : A Teacher Education Approach."
Y. Ugawa (Japan) "Environmental Education and IT"
- Recess -
-Expectations and Requests from Schools-
Chairperson: N.Komatsu
Miyagi Pref Board of Education
Sendai City Board of Education
Kesennuma City Board of Education
Lunch Break


-Children'‚“ Forum for Environment-
Sponsored by the Board of Education of Sendai City, Co-Sponsored by Miyagi University of Education
Special lecture: Andrea Déri (Deri)(IGES) "School, Community, Environment"
- Recess -

14:40-16:00(Simultaneous session of Junior High School in other hall)

Presentations: Elementary School Coordinated by K. Saijo

14:40-16:00(Simultaneous session of Elementary School in other hall)

Presentations: Junior High School Coordinated by T.Kawamura & Y.Ugawa


5 December 2002 at Sendai International Center (Opening 8:30)

-For the Future of EE-
Chairpersons:T. Muramatsu•Y. Hirabuki
Ryokichi Hirono (Seikei Univ.) "New Currents for the Next Decade"
Neghi Wahng (Northern Normal Univ.)
NamYong Chung (Korea)
- Recess -
-On support systems on School EE-
Chairpersons:T. Koganezawa•M. Sato
Summary: M. Sato (IGES)
Lunch Break
Visiting Windbreak Forests "IGUNE" in Sendai City
(T. Koganezawa & K. Mizota)

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  EEC, Miyagi University of Education