
The "APEC (Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation) Symposium on Environmental Education towards Sustainable Cities" was held at the Sendai International Center on September 20 and 21, 1998. This symposium was planned and organized by the Environment Agency of Japan and the City of Sendai. Prior to the APEC Symposium, Japanese and foreign university students here in Sendai took part in a forum, the "Asia Pacific Environmental Education Youth Forum," which was held as one of the supplementary events of the above symposium.  Among participants of the symposium were Drs.  Aoki, Mikami, and Koganezawa of the Environmental Education Center of Miyagi University of Education. They also took part in the forum as key coordinators. There is no doubt that the symposium and forum can be a great step towards our deep understanding of important issues and problems about environmental education. This volume contains (a) a paper read by Dr. Aoki as a "lead presentation" at the Round Table Discussion, (b) review papers of the youth forum by Drs. Mikami and Koganezawa, and (c) the minutes of the youth forum. (All the details of the symposium and forum are now on a web page, the address of which is on the final page of this volume.)