Field Research of Environmental Education

As for the environmental education (EE), both of the following are very important : to recognize various recent environmental problems of the earth scale correctly, and to practice its recognition concretely in the nature and the community of inhabiting areas.
For this purpose, continuous interdisciplinary research of a regional nature and culture, accumulation of its results and utilization of the results positively in teaching materials of EE are decisively necessary.
Some fields for the practice of EE have been established in Sendai city and Miyagi Prefecture, that is, Aoba-yama (hill), Hirose-gawa (river) and Kinkazan (island). These fields are projected to be a kind of Open Field Museum, that are named "Super Natureing Center design (SNC-design)". SNC-design is also brought into practice for the conservation and nature education of neo-tropical forest at Macarena, Colombia.

Related activities:

Ecological investigations of fauna and flora in the field.
Issue of study report, open to the public.
Planning and practice of nature watching especially for children.
Issue of practice report of nature watching.
Establishment and management of the fieldwork joint laboratory.
Periodical holding of fieldwork symposium (public presentation).
Making network among organizations concerned with EE.