outline member project data seminar link

Japanese / English

We would like to extend a warm welcome to the web page of the Environmental Education Center. More than two years have passed since the center started. Through these past two years, we've held and participated in many projects. Last August, for instance, our researchers participated in APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation) Youth Forum associated with the Sendai City government. Then last September, the professors also took part in APEC Symposium on Environmental Education toward Sustainable Cities held here in Sendai. The aforementioned information is also on our page.
Environmental Problems are now issues all over the world. We believe that environmental education will play a significant role as an effective means to change our awareness and behavior for our surrounding environment. We would like you to well understand the center as well as our research and projects. Hence we've started the web page, English edition. We are going to provide you with much more information translated into English. We are looking forward to your future visits. We are looking forward to your future visits.
Administration Group
June 29, 1999

Implementation Guidance for

Asian-Pacific Environmental Educational Research Seminar, 2004 (2004.Fev.11-14)

International Symposium on Environmental Education 2002-Supports for SchoolEEh(2002.Dec. 3-5)
(pdf file 612KBj

Streaming Video of Asia Pacific Youth Conference Now Starts!! April 1

Copyright(C) 1998 Environmental Education Center.